Pictures of Painful Things 
Swollen bruised right hip after 1.5 days
[640x480] [2048x1536]
Swollen bruised right hip after 1.5 days *
Viewed: 5554 times.

Swollen bruised right hip after 1.5 days without flash
[480x640] [1536x2048]
Swollen bruised right hip after 1.5 days without flash *
Viewed: 2893 times.

Swollen bruised left hip after 1.5 days without flash
[480x640] [1536x2048]
Swollen bruised left hip after 1.5 days without flash *
Viewed: 2571 times.

Right hip after 3 days. The color is spreading down my leg now.
[480x640] [1536x2048]
Right hip after 3 days. The color is spreading down my leg now. *
Viewed: 2995 times.

Right hip after 3 days w/o flash
[480x640] [1536x2048]
Right hip after 3 days w/o flash *
Viewed: 2637 times.

Left hip after 3 days without flash
[480x640] [1536x2048]
Left hip after 3 days without flash *
Viewed: 2681 times.

* Comments available for this item.
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