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Archive for the 'politics' Category


Tipping the swing states

I was just noticing that several of the close states, according to, have very short legal residency requirements for being elligible to vote. Colorado, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Washington all require 30 days to be allowed to vote. Arizona can be thrown in too since it’s fairly close and only requires 29 days. I’m […]


Another Palin theory

From everything I’ve read about her she would fit in perfectly with the Bush administration so I think the party insiders forced Palin on McCain. That way when McCain dies in office she’s in charge and the party insiders get their control back.


Catching up on books – Politics and History

Political Numeracy by Michael Meyerson is an attempt to show the mathmatical underpinnings in the Constitution. A few of the examples hold true but most of them end up being things like illustrations of mathmatical principles in court decisions or other laws. That can still be interesting and most of the time it is, but […]


A different primary

Yesterday a different contest popped into my head, one between Brocolli Obama and Celery Clinton. I was surprised to find no reference to it on the internets.


The Presidents edited by Michael Beschloss

I just finished reading this collection of small presidential biographies and seeing the changes over time in this was is very interesting. The styles of campaigning changing from you announcing your candidacy and the party campaigning for the candidate compared to today where the candidate has a lot of work cut out for them. The […]


The debates

Republican: Anderson Cooper kept things rolling for the most part and for the first half it was all very polite between the candidates. McCain and Romney were givent he most time to talk and Ron Paul was cut off several times after one sentence.  After awhile Huckabee reminded the moderator and questioners that the other […]


Finally, one more year

It seems like an eternity in coming but there’s only one more year to the Bush administration!


Dream from last night

Nicole ended up talking to Kevin Smith and somehow ended up communicating that we were frustrated that we couldn’t talk directly to the presidential candidates. So he lent us his RV so we could drive around to the various campaign events, and having Kevin Smith’s RV would indicate to those in charge that we were […]


Some campaign thoughts

On the Democrat side, Clinton , as the front runner, controlled the discourse. ‘Most electable’ and ‘not George Bush’ seemed to be the biggest messages, at least the ones that I received. I think the Clinton campaign must have been coasting after being ahead for so long (one of the dangers of everyone starting so […]


A candidate I would have liked to have in the race

Were she not in stage 4 of her cancer I would have liked to have Elizabeth Edwards in the presidential race. I like what she says in her speeches, she’s a little more liberal, and she seems like a strong and forthright person.

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