Doug's Sounding Board


Plumbing is done!

We haven’t tried the washing machine yet, but it has a nifty valve for both hot can cold water with a simple lever, and it’s all in a box in the wall instead of sticking out!

It took the plumber 8 hours to do everything and clean up. Part of that was because his back was sore but he kept the price the same as his initial bid.

Now we just need to patch up the wall.

2 Responses to “Plumbing is done!”

  1. 1
    linka Says:

    so does that mean that the washer rests against the wall? How spiffy cool that it’s done! Yay! Congratulations !

    I will NOT miss that blue bucket, although dumping it was a good work out.

  2. 2
    Administrator Says:

    Well, the washer is now even with the dryer. The dryer can’t be all the back against he wall because of the vent tube.

    We could just have a bucket of water you can lift at random if you like.

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