Doug's Sounding Board


Non-house related

I saw Rent this weekend. I wasn’t super interested but I liked the song in the trailer so I went. I liked it all, the look, the characters, the music. The songs weren’t catchy enough so that they were constantly in my head afterwards, but that’s ok. The problem I had with it was I was never made to care about the characters so it ended up remaining at the entertaining level instead of going to the amazing level.

Since I’m talking about theatre-ish stuff, Nicole and I saw “Romance” by David Mamet for our anniversary. My dad was sick so my parents gave us their tickets. It was a short comedy about 75 minutes not including the intermission. The second act was fantastic, pretty much non-stop laughter. The first half popped the clutch on the starting line and was in danger of stalling. It started with rapid fire dialog without any context so it took awhile to catch up and it never really fully hit.

And not related to anything, here’s a song of the day.

5 Responses to “Non-house related”

  1. 1
    linkaloo Says:

    where is that playing? Mamet is great.

  2. 2
    Doug Says:

    It was playing at the Mark Taper Forum. Dunno if it still is. Dang those seats are tiny.

  3. 3
    linkaloo Says:

    *sigh* You guys were right there! You could’ve come saved me from stupidly bankrupting myself this weekend!

    Hopefully, one day, I will work at the Taper… but yeah, squishy seats.

  4. 4
    linkaloo Says:

    oh, and PS… I am glad you thought RENT was somewhat cool. The guy who wrote the screenplay was the one who wrote the book on KEPT, which I did when I went to NY. He sent out this huge email telling us to tell our friends to tell their friends, etc. to go see the flick. But now I don’t have to spam you!

  5. 5
    Doug Says:

    Well, it wouldn’t have helped you this past weekend since we went 3 weeks ago and I’m just now writing about Romance.

    Yay for me avoiding spam!

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