Doug's Sounding Board

Archive for April, 2005


More birthday thanks!

Thanks to Julie & Fish for the gift certificate for Streetlight Records. I bought No Doubt’s “Everything in Time” and Duran Duran’s “Astronaut”. I don’t know what I’ll use the remainder for yet. Thanks for Gerald & Julianne for the “Intellivision Lives” compilation for Gamecube. I haven’t had a chance to play it yet but […]


Back on the exercise bike

Level 10 was going well. Then I hit 53 minutes and my legs decided they couldn’t keep up with the pace I wanted anymore. I should probably hold it at level 10 for awhile and start on the hand bike. That’s probably all about pain.


Jewish stigmata

On Sunday Nicole say the injury on my right wrist/arm and I told her it was from re-assembling my scooter. Then I asked her of the scratch on my back was still there. I felt the scratch Saturday night and I have no idea how it got there. It’s long and thin and very straight. […]


My scooter is registered!

So someone wityh an ecocruz scooter got a ticket for it not being registered. Apparently as of the first of 2005 you need to have any powered 2-wheeled vehicle registered in case a bored officer wants to make an issue of it. Volks Cafe made up some VIN tags and figured out how to get […]


I haven’t been exercising

I walked about 3 miles yesterday but that doesn’t count. I haven’t made it to the gym since last Wednesday. Thursday I walked about 3 miles. Friday I ate way too much food. Saturday I recovered. Sunday was an off day in my workout plan. Monday I walked 3 miles though it’s usually an off […]


I have a new tire

I got a new tire and tube and have it filled with EZ-Seal. We’ll see if this holds up to the Santa Cruz roads. I left my scooter at the Volks Cafe so they could bolt on a VIN so I can get it registered with the DMV. Apparently all the 2-wheeled motorized vehicles (even […]


Sin City

Wow! I love the visual style of this movie and I love Robert Rodriguez directing. I liked the stories and how they intertwined, not explicitly, but seeing characters in the same scenes but from the vantage piont of other characters. Sure it was violent, but that was mostly covered in the comic book style. It […]


Junk food recovery

So today was just a normal day. Nothing seemed out fo the ordinary. Except in the afternoon I felt like I was having a sugar crash and wanted to take a nap. Instead I made myself go do something and I was fine after that.


Gifts to myself today…

Jr. Techie finally got some singing magnets! I picked up a large and a small pair since my old set was getting pretty worn. I also picked up a Five Iron Frenzy CD I didn’t have. That should be the last one because they’ve broken up. Looking at their site I guess I still need […]


I’d like to thank…

My lovely wife, Nicole for making me swedish pancakes this morning. Mmmmmm…. My parents for sending me the books “Yiddish With Dick & Jane” and “When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?” My Aunt Rita for sending me the DVDs “Gross Pointe Blank,” and “Shallow Grave,” and “Schindler’s List” (when it gets here) Nicole for […]

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