Saturday turbo Passover meal
Saturday morning, being inspired by my co-worker, Henry, who is making Passover dinner today, and fleagirl’s mad preparation, I decided I wanted a Passover meal. Not a full seder, just the food. since a seder requires too much planning.
So I found this recipe for a brisket. However I skipped the next day park and I used the cooking time and temperature from another book so 300 for 3 hours.
Nicole made potatoes with italian spices.
I made charoset with my mom’s recipe.
And for dessert, I made matzah brickle. That same recipe is all over the net so it makes it easy to find should you use it.
Oh yeah, I didn’t know what I was doing but I ground up some horseraddish and added some lemon juice. It turns out I’m supposed to add vinegar and probably more than I did of the lemon juice. My dad suggests about 1 cup per pound.
Julie & Fish came over to join in the meal and they brought strawberries and cream. Good meal!