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welcome to my pionus page! as you may notice, things have changed a bit around here. i used to have two pionus. cricket was my first pionus. after almost four and a half years, he has moved on to a new home in arizona. you can read his story in his link.

meanwhile, we still have ernie, who is now almost five years old. you can learn more about him in his link, and see tons of pictures like this one, of him being a monkey

because i used to have two pi, and because i still have ernie, i've kept this page - there's a lot of good links here to pictures of pionus, more information on the species, old pictures of ernie and cricket together, and links to other people brave enough to have more than one pionus ;]

plus the toy links here are still my favorites, and the resources are the best i've found. so have fun!

~ adrienne and ernie

here are a couple links to pictures of my two pionus and their friends:


there are many toy companies out there, and many people have their preferences. these are the companies that make toys that my boys like the best. keep in mind that every bird has different preferences, so experiment a lot at first to find out what your pionus likes. one of my pi likes 'tiel sized toys, and the other likes amazon sized toys so all bets are off. try leather, plastic (beads, chain, etc), hard wood and soft wood (pine is a big hit with both of mine). try large, medium and small toys. your pionus will tell you what s/he likes if you keep trying things.

1. the number one hit with most pi i have ever met is a company that FINALLY (4/16/2011) has a web site!! order any of their soft pine toys, to try. the "nutlettos" are a big hit with just about every bird i've ever met.

Parrots Treasure
PO Box 215
Barnhart, MO 63012

2. other online sites. these are a few of my favorite online sites. i have found them to have good prices, good variety, and great service:

  • City Scene Toys
    cute, fun and brightly colored. cricket loves their small toys, and ernie loves the ones you can climb and swing on. the Tiny "spool man" and "noah's animals" are a hit with both.
  • Grey Feather Toys
    both my boys love their small foot toys! i can't get them fast enough
  • Birdsnest Specialty
    i'm not fond of their interface, but they have a huuuuge selection of toys that ernie loves, and at reasonable prices

those are my absolute favorites. and they all have fantastic prices, so check them out! please remember that i am not paid by these companies at all, and can only speak for my personal experiences with them. these four companies have always been excellent to me

cricket boing

When One Pionus Is Not Enough

hooray for pi addicts!
special links to people with
more than one pionus

  • Brea and Emma
    Melne and Brea [a BW] and Emma [a Dusky]. Emma is Ernie's older sister (by one clutch).
  • Mary's Flock
    Mary Gorman has six pi - one of each commonly bred species, and an extra WC
  • Falicia and Fabio
    Falicia is a WC and Fabio is a BH

ernie boing

here i have included links to just a few of my favorite Pionus related sites
(of course, there are more links at the PPRF site) :

where did all the other links go?

i am web mistress for the Pionus Parrots Research Foundation web site. i think it is the best resource for links on pionus on the web today. again, i'm biased. i check the links once a month and i'm always looking for new links. however, i found that updating two sets of links was just impossible to keep straight, so i decided to keep all the links there. please stop by and see what we are doing - there's a lot to read about diet and pionus in the wild, as well as the research we are doing.


here's a link to the PPRF web site to see100s of pionus specific links including:

please! if you find a link on pionus that i do not have listed, email me and i will add it. this benefits the whole pionus community so don't be afraid to tell me if a link is bad or i've forgotten someone - i want every pionus related link.

pi r us /
last updated: 2/29/04 all text and images copyright by DogBrain Enterprises and may not be used without express written permission.