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(arty) Viewed: 1002 times.
looking out onto the courtyard from upstairs Viewed: 1032 times.
Annie's room (?) - Annie was Lora's servant for 13 years Viewed: 1035 times.
Lora's room Viewed: 967 times.
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mountain through stained glass Viewed: 980 times.
(arty) Viewed: 989 times.
chipmunk! Viewed: 925 times.
Jim and sod roof Viewed: 1033 times.
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kitchen Viewed: 1005 times.
kitchen Viewed: 942 times.
servant's dining room Viewed: 1037 times.
kitchen Viewed: 961 times.
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breezeway (and chipmunk!) Viewed: 1005 times.
hand-carved detailing in the courtyard Viewed: 1019 times.
breezeway (and Jim!) Viewed: 996 times.
courtyard Viewed: 1017 times.
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Jim in the courtyard Viewed: 976 times.
spikey traditional bits on roof edge Viewed: 1001 times.
servant's room Viewed: 1026 times.
hand-carving Viewed: 1015 times.
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(arty) Viewed: 940 times.
courtyard entry Viewed: 995 times.
old scary gas-powered machine Viewed: 959 times.
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(arty) Viewed: 1008 times.
outside Viewed: 970 times.
outside Viewed: 991 times.
looking in to the tea room from outside Viewed: 959 times.
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Jim on the shore Viewed: 945 times.
with Vikingsholm behind us Viewed: 973 times.
ducks! Viewed: 961 times.
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the Tahoe Queen approacheth Viewed: 988 times.
she circles Fannette Island Viewed: 954 times.
it's a nice ride around the lake Viewed: 991 times.
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the Visitor's Center Viewed: 982 times.
the Visitor's Center has lots of photos Viewed: 1039 times.
it used to be the drivers' house Viewed: 1049 times.
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