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Snowing Viewed: 1832 times.
Musee D'Orsay
45 minute wait to get in Viewed: 1645 times.
Us Kids are cute Viewed: 1701 times.
Arty Jim Viewed: 1724 times.
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Us Kids, Reflected Viewed: 1669 times.
Arty Musee shot Viewed: 1643 times.
Arty Musee shot Viewed: 1606 times.
Pan sculpture Viewed: 1880 times.
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Arty Jim photographing
the Pan sculpture Viewed: 1613 times.
Ceiling in restaurant
2nd floor, M. D'Orsay Viewed: 1723 times.
Jim in restaurant
2nd floor, M. D'Orsay Viewed: 1584 times.
Bathrooms of Paris:
Musee D'Orsay Viewed: 1706 times.
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some famous guy ...
Vinnie somebody or other Viewed: 1776 times.
Here's another one Viewed: 1679 times.
Did you know how big
this was?! I didn't ! Viewed: 1690 times.
I really liked this Degas Viewed: 1646 times.
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"La tasse de chocolat,
apres la bain"
Uh, yes please. Viewed: 1726 times.
I think my mom
had a print of this ... Viewed: 1658 times.
I had never heard of him,
but loved this one Viewed: 1610 times.
Lucien Levy-Dhurmer,
"La Sorceier" Viewed: 1688 times.
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Big ol' ballroom. Bouguereau's
"Birth of Venus"
just away in the corner Viewed: 1617 times.
This was amazing - Viewed: 1556 times.
Victor Segoffin,
"La Danse guerrier" Viewed: 1630 times.
Us Kids, Reflected Viewed: 1547 times.
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Yup, just tucked in the corner. Viewed: 1713 times.
Sculpture Viewed: 1631 times.
Sculpture Viewed: 1520 times.
and more sculpture -
all in one room Viewed: 1622 times.
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Cool furniture Viewed: 1598 times.
Kill da wabbit,
Kill da wabbit
(Nice Helmet) Viewed: 1582 times.
Big. Really Big. Viewed: 1660 times.
These were incredibly beautiful Viewed: 1678 times.
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Arty Jim on the Seine Viewed: 1628 times.
Musee D'Orsay Viewed: 1666 times.
Tuileries Viewed: 1604 times.
Sculpture in the Tuileries Viewed: 1685 times.
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du Louvre Viewed: 1698 times.
Jim at Angelina's Viewed: 1650 times.
Le Mont-Blanc
(The two of us
couldn't finish one) Viewed: 1706 times.
Tuileries Metro stop Viewed: 1830 times.
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